Sunday, November 29, 2009


This man sure dons several hats. No , I amnt talking about the cowboy one that he wore at the River Front recently in Ahmedabad.
On Sunday morning, it was Narendra Modi the author. He wrote a short story which was published in a local daily. The time frame is "five years ago when entire Gujarat was fighting against corruption". The protaganist fights against "sarkaari hinsa"(government violence)and wants to establish "lokshakti". just a day after a fiery speech, he dies.

The story talks about a young idealist who is being USED by politicians. The story is told in first person by an Ankit. It is about his friend, an idealist who fights corruption.
The ideology driven Mahesh fights for values. He gives fiery speeches. The young guy "fights against corruption in Gujarat five years ago", for values and ideology. He is used by politcians and dies in a police firing. Netas queue up. In the story, the author(ie Mr Modi) says how journos are desperate to make Mahesh the Martyr and are scrambling for news. Newspapers want their paper to sell more copies with this the story of this martyr!!!!
Then Ankit visits the widowed mom of Mahesh on his first anniversary. There is no hulla gulla. No netas have turned up.
In a good sequence of self address, the author has embedded a good conversation in half real half fantasy mode. IT talks about how desperate the politicians was to ensure that Mahesh's cremation is finished fast(a task completed sort of mundaneness).
The end is the best part of the story. He gives an ironic twist reminiscent of the O Henry style.
So till now we had Narendra Modi the chief minister as Narendra Modi the teacher, Narendra Modi the CEO, Narendra Modi the poet, Narendra Modi the common man, Narendra Modi the non corrupt doer, Narendra Modi the able administrator, Narendra Modi the Hinduvta Mascot, Narendra Modi the development Messiah, Narendra Modi the face to fight terrorism, Narendra Modi the youth icon.

welcome Narendra Modi, the author.
nb: I liked the story. The idea and concept but most of it, the narrative style and the end. Poignant.
What about you?

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